Friday, February 5, 2010

How Do Hijack My Sidekick Lx Why'd The Republican Party Allow A Bunch Of Neocons To Hijack It During The Bush Administration?

Why'd the Republican Party allow a bunch of neocons to hijack it during the Bush administration? - how do hijack my sidekick lx

These guys were not "conservative" at all in the traditional sense. They had only one main issue: the security of Israel at all costs be protected. That's why I wanted war with Iraq so badly, and why the planning for the postwar period was totally irrelevant to them.

What is it? Why Reagan Republican old guard, it is this group of monsters to distract the party and at the bottom of the RAM on a wall by first incompetence?


F off said...

Good question, there is some merit in what you say, I still do not understand why Bush let illegal blatantly against the law failed, why Bush was almost as bad as the Democrats had to do, but there was some thing on the 911 . When Al Gore was able to steal the elections of 2000 (God knows he tried hard) would have taken military action, have not to fight in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda has been beaten again, worse than the 911 President still a lot more dead Americans, if a paper tiger, as Gore was. Terrorists, as we talk all know, Gore only talk, talk, and even a few, but too difficult to talk at the end of the day were moved to the United Nations,
to never take the military, the fight to the terrorists. Terrorists are paper tigers, like Gore as weak and would be harder to beat again.

Well, the liberals believe that the lottery, when no WMD were found, against everything that Bush has done what is good or bad, could be heard for socialism. Liberals have the feeling that achieved something great in opposing Bush, but liberalnever won, never done anything, has never produced, only the enemies of the United States, in the hope that the bad is in the United States to be the case, while his party 's is not in power. About his party before the country, what Comrade?

Ah, curious, hi-jacking yours. If the Socialists and Communists, the Democratic Party, where were you mate kidnapped?

John F. Kennedy had many faults and weaknesses, but was firmly against communism, and always went to the USA. Unfortunately, the JFK Democrats is no longer in the Democratic Party, there is now the Democratic Party, was kidnapped in size and predicted to "useful idiots", a term that Lenin that today would be a liberal.

Wikipedia has a comprehensive definition of the Democrats of the new era, because it allowed the parties to be diverted for many years, enjoy! ...

sagaciou... said...

In fact, the removal of the Republican party began long before Bush. It began almost thirty-five years in Roe v. Wade as a catalyst. The right wing religious coalitions, not satisfied with it outside of politics, began organizing the construction of a collective voice and the quest for power in the political arena. I lived in KY and the south ... Democrats, the Bible of) per-(Statute. Jimmy Carter was the South, Democrats, Bauer and Christian, "we". The Bible Belt believe that Carter was in the White House, but never thought they could leave their faith at the door of the Oval Office and not a Playboy interview. :-) The South and the Midwest Bible Belt was very angry and felt betrayed when they bowed their agenda.

The religious right coalitions were angry electroplating, and homeless. Simultaneously, the Republican Party will still be Gold (water) level of conservatism (Gov't small). Republicans saw a great opportunity to increase their political base, he welcomed the religious coalitionAccessories and Ronald Reagan were thrilled with their agenda. Not all Republicans were once satisfied with their cousins, but they wanted the number. Goldwater was furious about this! Ironically, it is rejected as persistent (true) and) obsolete (was false, but he was one of the few who have seen the writing on the wall.
- Goldwater vs. Religious Right ...

Seldon Surak said...

The Liberals could not destroy the Republican Party.
But it is not necessary to prove.
Is being destroyed from within.

1. Karl Rove and his "have turned into a political discourse, in turn, cloacal" tactics so many people.
2. Religious fanatics do not have too much power.
3. Fans were invited to travel the country


If these problems are not corrected, the Republican Party is going to die.
There will be a mass exodus of moderates for the Libertarian Party.
And the rest of the Republican party is drowning in his own bile ducts

leopardl... said...

In fact, I think the neocons are the politicians, the religious right to have accepted to be elected. And because of the religious right was so loud that the big wasters of tax only on the opposition to get to gay marriage or abortion.

When McCain started to embrace the religious right, his real task moderate views, the becomign really a libertarian.

kingdom_... said...

As people look back on the reign of King George, who is the most important issue. I am sure that many of the proposed theory to explain why, but at least so far (to all parties, their memories and all the formerly secret documents) have released it too early to say.

Sageands... said...

I love how "Reagan Republican is confused," was a "true conservative" and not just at the beginning of the acquisition of the Neo-Cons.

Brüno said...

Well, they screwed with the majority in Congress, then the weasel democrats hi jack it. Thus, the neo-conservatives, as you say, not HELLO jack.

Near said...

In fact, there were many conservatives of the Republican Party, and Bush does not has been very well preserved.

Colts Fan said...

I am a pro-Israel Republican paleo-con. I hope that my party has been more cautious, especially on social issues and national security.

12-25 Never Forget said...

Because they win elections well.

"Party Über Alles" - Zero wooden planks of the platform of the Republican Party

bdouglas... said...

The Republican Party purged most moderate in the 1990s. Not many of them anyway.

Bonkers! said...

I'm not sure, but does nothing, while Bush spent most liberal Republicans ever.

♥Socially Awkward♥ said...

Cheney and Karl Rove basically President and Vice President.

Justin Case said...

Bush has spent like a drunken liberal.

What to talk about neo-cons here.

shmoodad... said...

MONEY. The Republican Party is restricted for sale to the highest bidder.

Sarah said...

Go to Israel !!!!!

John M (back 2 my abnormal self) said...

Here's why: ...

Find out on the part where it begins, "The emergency decree ...." and see the "Patriot Act" shape ....

Puma said...

At this point I would like to see if you have not! Anything is better than what we have now.

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