Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Menopausal Sleep Disorder What Can Night Sweats Be Indicative Of If I'm Not Menopausal?

What can night sweats be indicative of if I'm not menopausal? - menopausal sleep disorder

I stayed awake at night in the last few nights, bathed in sweat. So far I've tried, the temperature in my room, which was not conducive to lower. I sleep in a cotton pajamas (shorts and jersey) and cotton. Ideas? I am in good general health. I have no other signs of tuberculosis, so do not think so, dass


oghma200... said...

If you are any kind of psychiatric medication for depression or anxiety or whatever, many of them have this as a side effect.

multidis... said...

Other symptoms? Night sweats are usually an indication of an inferior infections (tuberculosis, for example). After a proper examination by a physician.

tootallh... said...

Check with your doctor and just b / c not forget to stop them and ask your doctor.

sooner you will ba few days / weeks b / 4 doctor can still see.

Make sure to have medication that lasted so long. Even with what your weight and food and fluid intake is to be prepared.

Doctors (in general) try to pass the problem on food or food ingredient problem.

It may sound silly, but you write your first and disadvantages (PHYSICIAN terms) food and crapping. Color and color Orino chair.

could be a bug in your body is fighting.

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